
Zone Realty Limited, MREINZ Policy, Vision and Practice: Policy and Practice

Zone Realty Limited, MREINZ complaints process guide: Complaints Process

Zone Realty Limited, MREINZ guide to leasing real estate: Step by Step Lease of Real Estate

Zone Realty Limited, MREINZ guide to purchasing real estate: Step by Step Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

Zone Realty Limited, MREINZ guide to trading real estate: Step by Step Trade of Real Estate

Comprehensive, independent information guiding through buying and selling: Settled

Code of professional conduct and client care: Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012

Fundamental Real Estate Legislation that covers all aspects of real estate transactions: Real Estate Agents Act 2008

Independent Government Agency that regulates Real Estate Industry and provides all relevant information for buyers and sellers and deals with complaints about agents’ behavior: Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA)

National membership organisation that promotes professional excellence within the real estate sector: The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) 

New Zealand Government Campaign aimed to raise awareness of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing Terrorism laws operating since 2013:

Auckland Suburb Guides provides property-based insight into every neighbourhood of Auckland:

Territorial Authority for Auckland that makes decisions on all regulatory property matters: Auckland City Council

Government Agency that offers a range of building and housing related information and advice, including assistance with dispute resolution: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for building and housing

Government Agency that operates the Register of Companies and maintains a number of other registers: Companies Office

The Insolvency and Trustee Service (ITS) is a business unit of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment that administers all administers all bankruptcies and liquidations: Insolvency and Trustee Service

The PPSR is the register where details of security interests in personal property can be registered and searched: Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR)

All other legislation (Property Law Act 2007, Fair Trading Act 1986, Unit Title Act 2010, etc): Legislation