Character Retail in Newton/Eden Terrace
Tenants: Please contact us for other options (around 250 listings in the Auckland Inner City Fringe area at any given time)
Landlords: Please contact us if you have anything for lease, sale or trade (over 10,700 local contacts in our books)
Floor area of approx. 126m2 with a generous stud height
The best looking shop-front in the popular strip of shops, excellent cafes,
restaurants and bars
Historic building fronting onto Symonds Street
The vibrant surrounding area is a local residential community and a popular
hub of small businesses, many of which are in the media, creative and design
Self-contained premises with the kitchen upfront, storage at the back and
Currently set up as a café. No hassle with consents, ready to move in
Optional chattels – please enquire
Good volume of traffic most times of the day, well served by public
transport and on one of the main roads into Auckland CBD
On-street parking plus Tournament parking within walking distance plus
parking across the road